Refereed Journal Papers [Year: Scopus Citation Numbers]

109. Al-Shamsi, Q., Rahman, M. S., Abdullah, A., Claereboudt, M. R. 2013. Consumers’ preference mapping and their behavior with regard to traditional halwa using a structured survey questionnaire. Journal of Food Products Marketing (in press). [0]
Guizani, N., Rahman, M. S., Al-Sabahi, J. N., Sureshchandran, S. 2012. Effects of brine concentration on lipid oxidation and fatty acids profile of hot smoked tuna (Thunnus albacars) stored at refrigerated temperature. Journal of Food Science and Technology (in press). [0]
Al-Rawahi, A., Rahman, M. S., Waly, M., Guillemin, G. J. 2013. Thermal characteristics of a water soluble extract obtained from pomegranate skin: developing a state diagram for determining stability. Industrial Crops Products. 48: 198-204. [0]
Al-Rawahi, A. S., Rahman, M. S., Guizani, N., Essa, M. M. 2013. Chemical composition, water sorption isotherm, and phenolic contents in fresh and dried pomegranate peels. Drying Technology. 31: 257-263. [0]
Manickavasagan, A., Dubasi, G. R., Rahman, M. S., Essa, M. M. 2013. Informal group intervention technique to promote a healthy dietary habit in adults. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases. 3(1): 24-28. [0]
Rahman, M. S., Al-Hakmani, H., Al-Alawi, A., Al-Marhubi, I. 2012. Thermal characteristics of freeze-dreid camel milk and its major components. Thermochimica Acta. 549: 116-123. [0]
Waly, M., Guizani, N., Ali, A., Rahman, M. S. 2012. Papaya epicarp extract protects against aluminium-induced neurotoxicity. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 237: 1018-1022. [0]
Singh, V., Guizani, N., Essa, M. M., Rahman, M. S., Selvaraju, S. 2012. In vitro antioxidant activities of Ziziphus Spina-Christi fruits (red date) grown in Oman. Biotechnology. 11(4): 209-216. [0]
Waly, M. I., Ali, A., Guizani, N., Al-Rawahi, A. S., Farooq, S. A., Rahman, M. S. 2012. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) peel extract efficacy as a dietary antioxidant against azoxymethane-induced colon cancer in rat. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 13(8): 4051-4055. [0]
Rahman, M. S., Al-Shamsi, Q., Abdullah, A., Claereboudt, M. R., Al-Belushi, B., Al-Maqbaly, R., Al-Sabahi, J. 2012. Classification of commercial Omani hlawa by physic-chemical properties and Instrumental Texture Profile Analysis (TPA). Italian Journal of Food Science. 24(3): 292-304. [0]

Books (Published)

8. Ahmed, J. and Rahman, M. S. (Editor) 2012. Handbook of Food Process Design, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, England, 1470 pages (Two Volumes).
Rahman, M. S. (Editor) 2009. Food Properties Handbook, Second Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (USA), 24 Chapters, 861 pages. Recognized as one of the Gold-Standard Resources in Food Science by CRC Press (2010).
Rahman, M. S. (Editor) 2007. Handbook of Food Preservation, Second Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (USA), 44 Chapters, 1068 pages. Recognized as one of the Gold Standard Food Chemistry Resources in 2010 from publisher.
Sablani, S. S., Rahman (one of the Editors), M. S., Datta, A., Mujumdar, A. 2007. Handbook of Food and Bioprocess Modeling Techniques. CRC Press, FL (USA). Recognized as one of the important volumes in Food Engineering in 2008 from publisher.
Hui, Y. H. (Editor), Culbertson, J. D., Duncan, S., Guerrero-Legarreta, I., Li-Chan, E. C. Y., Ma, C. Y., Manley, C. H., McMeekin, T. A., Nip, W., Nollet, L. M. L., Rahman, M. S., Toldra, F., Xiong, Y. L. (Associate Editors.). 2006. Handbook of Food Science, Technology and Engineering (4 Volumes, 4000 pages), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (USA). Recognized as one of the important volumes in Food Engineering in 2008 from publisher.
Rahman, M. S. (Editor) 2003. Manual De Conservacion De Los Alimentos, ACRIBIA, Spain [Translation of the Handbook of Food Preservation (First Edition) in Spanish]
Rahman, M. S. (Editor) 1999. Handbook of Food Preservation, First Edition. Marcel Dekker, Inc. NY (USA), 24 Chapters, 824 pages. Secured bestsellers in 2003 from Publisher.
Rahman, M. S. (Author) 1995. Food Properties Handbook, First Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. (USA), 528 pages. Secured bestsellers in 2002 from Publisher

Books (in preparation)

109. Al-Shamsi, Q., Rahman, M. S., Abdullah, A., Claereboudt, M. R. 2013. Consumers’ preference mapping and their behavior with regard to traditional halwa using a structured survey questionnaire. Journal of Food Products Marketing (in press). [0]
Guizani, N., Rahman, M. S., Al-Sabahi, J. N., Sureshchandran, S. 2012. Effects of brine concentration on lipid oxidation and fatty acids profile of hot smoked tuna (Thunnus albacars) stored at refrigerated temperature. Journal of Food Science and Technology (in press). [0]
Al-Rawahi, A., Rahman, M. S., Waly, M., Guillemin, G. J. 2013. Thermal characteristics of a water soluble extract obtained from pomegranate skin: developing a state diagram for determining stability. Industrial Crops Products. 48: 198-204. [0]
Al-Rawahi, A. S., Rahman, M. S., Guizani, N., Essa, M. M. 2013. Chemical composition, water sorption isotherm, and phenolic contents in fresh and dried pomegranate peels. Drying Technology. 31: 257-263. [0]
Manickavasagan, A., Dubasi, G. R., Rahman, M. S., Essa, M. M. 2013. Informal group intervention technique to promote a healthy dietary habit in adults. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases. 3(1): 24-28. [0]
Rahman, M. S., Al-Hakmani, H., Al-Alawi, A., Al-Marhubi, I. 2012. Thermal characteristics of freeze-dreid camel milk and its major components. Thermochimica Acta. 549: 116-123. [0]
Waly, M., Guizani, N., Ali, A., Rahman, M. S. 2012. Papaya epicarp extract protects against aluminium-induced neurotoxicity. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 237: 1018-1022. [0]
Singh, V., Guizani, N., Essa, M. M., Rahman, M. S., Selvaraju, S. 2012. In vitro antioxidant activities of Ziziphus Spina-Christi fruits (red date) grown in Oman. Biotechnology. 11(4): 209-216. [0]
Waly, M. I., Ali, A., Guizani, N., Al-Rawahi, A. S., Farooq, S. A., Rahman, M. S. 2012. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) peel extract efficacy as a dietary antioxidant against azoxymethane-induced colon cancer in rat. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 13(8): 4051-4055. [0]
Rahman, M. S., Al-Shamsi, Q., Abdullah, A., Claereboudt, M. R., Al-Belushi, B., Al-Maqbaly, R., Al-Sabahi, J. 2012. Classification of commercial Omani hlawa by physic-chemical properties and Instrumental Texture Profile Analysis (TPA). Italian Journal of Food Science. 24(3): 292-304. [0]

Books (in preparation)

109. Al-Shamsi, Q., Rahman, M. S., Abdullah, A., Claereboudt, M. R. 2013. Consumers’ preference mapping and their behavior with regard to traditional halwa using a structured survey questionnaire. Journal of Food Products Marketing (in press). [0]
Guizani, N., Rahman, M. S., Al-Sabahi, J. N., Sureshchandran, S. 2012. Effects of brine concentration on lipid oxidation and fatty acids profile of hot smoked tuna (Thunnus albacars) stored at refrigerated temperature. Journal of Food Science and Technology (in press). [0]
Al-Rawahi, A., Rahman, M. S., Waly, M., Guillemin, G. J. 2013. Thermal characteristics of a water soluble extract obtained from pomegranate skin: developing a state diagram for determining stability. Industrial Crops Products. 48: 198-204. [0]
Al-Rawahi, A. S., Rahman, M. S., Guizani, N., Essa, M. M. 2013. Chemical composition, water sorption isotherm, and phenolic contents in fresh and dried pomegranate peels. Drying Technology. 31: 257-263. [0]
Manickavasagan, A., Dubasi, G. R., Rahman, M. S., Essa, M. M. 2013. Informal group intervention technique to promote a healthy dietary habit in adults. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases. 3(1): 24-28. [0]
Rahman, M. S., Al-Hakmani, H., Al-Alawi, A., Al-Marhubi, I. 2012. Thermal characteristics of freeze-dreid camel milk and its major components. Thermochimica Acta. 549: 116-123. [0]
Waly, M., Guizani, N., Ali, A., Rahman, M. S. 2012. Papaya epicarp extract protects against aluminium-induced neurotoxicity. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 237: 1018-1022. [0]
Singh, V., Guizani, N., Essa, M. M., Rahman, M. S., Selvaraju, S. 2012. In vitro antioxidant activities of Ziziphus Spina-Christi fruits (red date) grown in Oman. Biotechnology. 11(4): 209-216. [0]
Waly, M. I., Ali, A., Guizani, N., Al-Rawahi, A. S., Farooq, S. A., Rahman, M. S. 2012. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) peel extract efficacy as a dietary antioxidant against azoxymethane-induced colon cancer in rat. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 13(8): 4051-4055. [0]
Rahman, M. S., Al-Shamsi, Q., Abdullah, A., Claereboudt, M. R., Al-Belushi, B., Al-Maqbaly, R., Al-Sabahi, J. 2012. Classification of commercial Omani hlawa by physic-chemical properties and Instrumental Texture Profile Analysis (TPA). Italian Journal of Food Science. 24(3): 292-304. [0]
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